Attraction marketing
Marketing Strategies with added value to attract additional clients.
Internal marketing
Actions directed to promote brand values, corporate identity and to motivate work teams.
Digital marketing
Design and developement of Social Management strategies and E-Commerce.
Quality audits
We assess operative procedures, employees’ behaviour and the customer´s real experience by means of Mistery Shopping actions. Through this technique we achieve to reinforce strenghts and to adress areas for improvement prevously detected.
Relational marketing
We focus on building loyality for actual demand. We achieve to establish long-term and profitable relationships with clients integrating quality, customer service and marketing.
Strategic marketing
Business Growth Strategies. Portfolio Management Products. Brand Positioning.
Commercial interior design
Creation of new spaces to develope innovative proposals. Multifunctional Spaces to different unforgettable experiences.
Event management
Design and developement of events with the object of creating notoriety and customer loyalty through unrepeteable experiences.